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Thanks so much for checking out this site! This is a huge work in progress. If you are joining before its official opening, applications for Staff are open. The site is currently being switched from a GoT Based RPG to a \'generic\' fantasy-based setting.

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Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24
Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:34 pmThe Narrator

Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24

> Hello, hello, hello! <

It's that time of the week again y'all; announcements! This week, the topic is a mixed bag, primarily relating to Guides that have been recently finalized and/or updated. Alongside these, there is another special …
Biweekly Poll - 09/20/2024
Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:30 pmThe Narrator
~ Don't worry, didn't miss this again <3 ~

Hello everyone!!

Last week, there was no announcement made because not too much progress was made for anything to be put up in regards to it mixed with it having been busier for me OOC for the last 2ish weeks or so. Nonetheless, a poll is still …
Biweekly Poll - 09/06/2024
Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:49 pmThe Narrator

Bi-Weekly Poll - Guides - 09/06/2024

Hello everyone!

This will be a short and simple post today: instead of Weekly Announcements, it will be a Bi-Weekly Announcement rotating with a Bi-Weekly Poll. This week, the poll's topic is on what guides do y'all want to see, before the Beta Launch of …
Weekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 8/30/2024
Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:34 pmThe Narrator

~ Weekly Announcements - 8/30/2024 ~

- Greetings, everyone! -

We’ve got some exciting updates to share with you this week. Our team has been hard at work, and we’re thrilled to announce that the long-awaited Statistics, Skills, and Abilities Guides have finally been uploaded to …
Weekly Announcements - Variety - 8/16/2024
Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:53 pmThe Narrator

Hiya everyone!

We've got another group of varied announcements for this week, this time around presenting 4. On the docket, we have the Basic Rules Guide, Lore Guides, Races & Sub-Races, and Requisition Orders; so quite a few things to actually go over. Overall, progress is being made at …

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The Narrator
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Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24 Empty Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24

Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:34 pm

Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24

> Hello, hello, hello! <

It's that time of the week again y'all; announcements! This week, the topic is a mixed bag, primarily relating to Guides that have been recently finalized and/or updated. Alongside these, there is another special announcement for a piece of work that I have started on as well, which relates to the guides/mechanics of the site. These announcements are coming in slightly earlier in the day so that way they are at least being released before their scheduled time passes. But, without further ado, let's just get right into the topics.

Abilities Guide

First up, we have the Abilities Guide! This has been fully updated and is now finalized for the time being at least. You can find that posted [Only mods are allowed to see this link]; as well as a slightly updated Ability Creation Guide & Template that can be found [Only mods are allowed to see this link]!

Within the Abilities Guide, you will find all of the information needed to know on how Abilities on the site will work; ranging from the things that make an Ability, an Ability to how to properly utilize and scale their power when using them to the more advanced mechanics that make them work such as Ability Clashing. This is one of the lengthier guides so far, but the bulk of it has been trimmed down exponentially to make it an easier read since it is considered to be a basic, need to know, type of guide. With this in mind, the two sections you should focus on understanding right away would be Abilities - How They Work and the Abilities - Learning and Progressing Them; the first section is primarily used in consideration when creating Abilities (but it still is recommended to at least take a glance at this section), and the Advanced Mechanics Section is something you can read the closer you get to doing your first combat thread.

Part of what was trimmed down was moved over to the Ability Creation Guide & Template, specifically the spoilers containing the various base values of Abilities as per their rating. The two have been separated so you're not stuck on reading a singular guide for too long. As always though, if there's any kind of confusion or you see something that you'd like clarified, feel free to send me a message on here, or on the Discord Server (Nj).

Game Mechanics Guide

Next up, the Game Mechanics Guide which can be found [Only mods are allowed to see this link]! This one is still currently being updated, as there is one or two more sections that still need to be added for this; specifically Random Events such as encounters with monsters when traveling. Random Events will be meant to reflect upon the fact that in this post-first-Gloaming world, monsters are a relatively commonplace and experience for those living within it, especially if you find yourself traveling at night. What has been updated/added to it however is some of the wording when the site was still being built as a GoT-based RPG, as well as a refurbished version of Timelining. Timelining now has its own mini section, as this is the fundamental way that all threads with more than one person in it operates.

Another mechanic that will be implemented in this guide will be (for now at least) a light, Day/Night Cycle. While this specifically is going to grow into something of its own after the site's launch, an easier to implement version will be included for when things do first open. This is to make the immersion more in-depth, while also adding a 'sink' to prevent character's from consistently just traveling during the day. It should be noted, that IC, this is something you are more than likely to do; just travel in the day time. However, it adds that extra layer because this is still a non-modern world where most easy-to-access means of transportation do take quite a long time to travel, especially given the size and scope of the world itself.

The Veil Forum

Lastly, the first in-character/RP Forum (intended for pre-launch use) has been posted. This can be found [Only mods are allowed to see this link]; the forum is just meant to give an area where people can roleplay and test out the various mechanics of the site as they are being posted, prior to the site opening. Note you do not need to have a character sheet posted in order to RP in this area. You are more than welcome to just casually use it to interact with the other players, and have some fun. Be on the lookout for possible Quests that pop up from time to time to allow you to start generating some gold, WC, and finished quests needed to progress your character through the levels. These will be usable on your actual character when the site does open regardless of whether or not they are the one that you use to actually RP in The Veil. If you use your site character in The Veil, they will remember their time/interactions there as if it were a dream.

You may have noticed [Only mods are allowed to see this link] already posted up. Please do not actually join this thread, as it is meant to serve as an example for how combat and the other various mechanics such as timelining is meant to work. With this in mind though, you are more than free to post a thread in that same sub-forum for a character(s) who wish to observe this battle taking place IC. Also, keep in mind, I do personally write a lot, and that can be somewhat taxing (especially given that it would normally be between two different people); but the plan is to still have at least two posts up per day in there, so be sure to keep an eye on it relatively frequently.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this week's announcements! Can't wait to see you all out there <3 and see y'all again around this time next week for the next biweekly poll.

-Nj/The Watcher Beyond the Veil
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