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Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24
Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:34 pmThe Narrator

Biweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24

> Hello, hello, hello! <

It's that time of the week again y'all; announcements! This week, the topic is a mixed bag, primarily relating to Guides that have been recently finalized and/or updated. Alongside these, there is another special …
Biweekly Poll - 09/20/2024
Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:30 pmThe Narrator
~ Don't worry, didn't miss this again <3 ~

Hello everyone!!

Last week, there was no announcement made because not too much progress was made for anything to be put up in regards to it mixed with it having been busier for me OOC for the last 2ish weeks or so. Nonetheless, a poll is still …
Biweekly Poll - 09/06/2024
Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:49 pmThe Narrator

Bi-Weekly Poll - Guides - 09/06/2024

Hello everyone!

This will be a short and simple post today: instead of Weekly Announcements, it will be a Bi-Weekly Announcement rotating with a Bi-Weekly Poll. This week, the poll's topic is on what guides do y'all want to see, before the Beta Launch of …
Weekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 8/30/2024
Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:34 pmThe Narrator

~ Weekly Announcements - 8/30/2024 ~

- Greetings, everyone! -

We’ve got some exciting updates to share with you this week. Our team has been hard at work, and we’re thrilled to announce that the long-awaited Statistics, Skills, and Abilities Guides have finally been uploaded to …
Weekly Announcements - Variety - 8/16/2024
Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:53 pmThe Narrator

Hiya everyone!

We've got another group of varied announcements for this week, this time around presenting 4. On the docket, we have the Basic Rules Guide, Lore Guides, Races & Sub-Races, and Requisition Orders; so quite a few things to actually go over. Overall, progress is being made at …

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The Song of Silence [Pre-Launch Quest]Yesterday at 3:31 pmThe NarratorThe Oldest Game [Pre-Launch Quest]Yesterday at 3:18 pmThe NarratorA Battle for the Ages [Combat]Yesterday at 2:18 pmThe NarratorBiweekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 09/27/24Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:34 pmThe NarratorLeilaitha RothkasTue Sep 24, 2024 7:34 pmLeilaitha RothkasAbilities GuideMon Sep 23, 2024 10:43 pmThe NarratorBiweekly Poll - 09/20/2024Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:30 pmThe NarratorSpellstealThu Sep 12, 2024 12:04 amThe NarratorBiweekly Poll - 09/06/2024Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:49 pmThe NarratorWeekly Announcements - Variety/Guides - 8/30/2024Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:34 pmThe Narrator
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The Narrator
Posts : 65
Join date : 2024-01-31

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Name: The Narrator
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A Battle for the Ages [Combat] Empty A Battle for the Ages [Combat]

Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:35 pm
(OOC Note: This fight is used as an example to demonstrate the various mechanics of the site such as Timelining and Combat; the stat pages utilized are only done so with half of the sheet showing, assume any/all Skills, Abilities, and Items used throughout the fight are already posted/created and the characters have them learned and posted on their respective character sheets. In normal fights, your full, updated character sheet must be posted at the start of the thread/before combat occurs, and anything that gets mistakenly left out for whatever reason such as not properly updating the sheet will be considered unavailable to use for the fight and until your sheet would be properly updated. Also, I will be using the Narrator to post as both characters to save some time in not having to jump back and forth between accounts.)

Stat Sheet:

He could sense it- no...him.

A person drawing near. Walking into the Arena here, at the edge of the Void within the Veil. An old friend; a former comrade. He Who Watches didn't even need to fully see who it was, to know who specifically was coming closer and closer to the entrance of this portion of his domain. He didn't need to hear the meticulous movement of carefully calculated footfalls, nor the ruffle of the cloak upon the man's back, nor the low hum of something that said man was wearing around his forearm for the Watcher simply knew all who drew near. What was the Watcher though to have such a power? A god? Not quite. Divine figure was moreso on the right path to explain the omnipotence in this space. Regardless of how he knew, it was all the same in the long run.

The Watcher would simply wait there, at the side of the arena opposite to where the man would inevitably walk in from. Kneeling in silent meditation on a lone plinth, a few yards from the wall of the arena. The plinth itself started as a 3 by 3 yard square at its base, with two more squares resting atop the first, forming a small pyramid-like dais. The second square would be 1 yard smaller than it's base, with the third and final one being only a yard in both its length and width. Its color would undulate between a white as pure as alabaster, and a black as dark as ebony. Small purple tendrils, swirling outward and downward, spiraling as if it were a marble pattern to accentuate the fact that it was still merely comprised of pure, arcane energy. These accents would never actually go underneath the Veiled King, almost in a silent reverence to not interrupt his meditation; in the same breath, it was seemingly as if the purple was almost being formed from him. To his left, laying vertically on the plinth was a double sided spear. Made of pure gold, with two brilliant amethysts inlaid at the base of each blade.

Beyond that, the arena was completely empty and devoid of any other scenery. He knew he could have shaped it however he pleased, but there was no fun to be had in that. That power could be left in the hands of the opponent that he was about to face, if they so chose. For that was the way this coliseum operated. Being made of raw magic, it could be shaped in any manner by those who entered into it. All they had to do, was think of it, and it would be shaped to match these desires. The coliseum itself was like that of the plinth's purple marble-esque tendrils; evershifting and everflowing. The ground itself gave the illusion that there was no solid ground to stand upon, but that in and of itself created a paradox. While it was solid, it was slightly transparent or cloudy. Only adding to the mystical, dream-like nature of the realm it resided in. The same could be said for the walls of that circled and enclosed the place. Blocking legitimate line of sight from the inner and outer portions, but shapes could still be made out the closer they got.

And soon enough...he would watch, as the one he sensed was now about to enter into this sanctum.

WC: 567

Last edited by The Narrator on Fri Sep 27, 2024 3:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Narrator
Posts : 65
Join date : 2024-01-31

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Name: The Narrator
House:: ???

A Battle for the Ages [Combat] Empty Re: A Battle for the Ages [Combat]

Fri Sep 27, 2024 2:28 pm
Stat Sheet:

Slowly, but surely, Leilaitha would make his way towards a familiar place. One that he had visited several times in his dreams before. So, it was to be asked, was this all a dream right now? Or had he finally broken through to actually arrive?

Both were questions that only time would be able to answer. A query quite weird considering the Veil didn't experience time like the Prime Material; or so he had heard. Not much was legitimately known about this place, and much of the knowledge on it was based on those told through myth and legend. For it wasn't a place like the prime material, it was a realm that supposedly came long after the prior's creation. A realm that essentially acted as a mirror of sorts, or a transitory space between spaces. One where the rules that rule over it, seemed almost contradictory by the very nature. For example, treading upon what could only be described as the ground itself was akin to stepping on glass, with a crunch and a crack as each step went downward and made contact. But it wasn't sharp and edged; on the contrary, the actual feeling of it was as if someone was walking on a cloud. And with each and every precise movement of his walk, the Butcher of Blackwolf Bay would watch in awe as the violet, hazy in its tone, would flourish into a seafoam green. Leaving behind a path of shattered prints that would shortly dissipate the further away he would get from it.

If there was anything though that was certain, Lei knew who he was about to see upon coming up to the outer most edge of a coliseum like structure. The one who watched over and tended to this place. There was mixed feelings roiling through his mind. A mixture of delight, whimsy, and fear. Each would be felt more and more in depth as he stepped into its outer ring that formed the long circular hallway underneath the stands. And it was quite gargantuan, all things being considered. If the Moon Elf had to give an estimate, it was probably around 100 yards to get from one edge to the other. As luck would have it though, there was no need for him to actually walk this full length. For the large double doors to actually enter into the open area that made the grounds of the arena was on the same side as the open gate to get into the long hall.

Before moving inward more, Leilaitha would take a moment to pause there, right before the double doors. He couldn't see beyond them, since there were still closed off, but the feeling in his gut grew; the man inside could at least slightly see his approach now. The pause was given so he could gather himself; muster up the courage for what was to come. For this meeting, they'd be doing so not as friends, but as opponents. Albeit, it would still be a friendly duel between the two; at least that was the hope. The triple-ringed runearm circling round his left forearm would start to hum as it came to life, being partially prepared for the battle to come. A blastpowder pistol would be holstered in a sling running diagonally across his body, but it would not interfere with the Shade-Wing Cloak being worn upon his back. Once a few seconds would come to pass, at least in the way it would usually happen back in Duscairne, the Rothkas heir would glance upward; his eyes would witness as the double doors before him starting to vanish into nothingness, allowing for further entry.

And so, he would do the very thing. Waltz inside, with the same stride as before. Finally getting to see who was already there, and the single thing that dotted the broad landscape. "It's good to see you again, my old friend." His voice would call out, crossing the distance with confidence as a cocky smirk would cross his face, knowing that it was now finally time.

A few more steps would be taken inward, reaching 5 yards away from where the door had been, before Lei would say "So, let's just get this party started, shall we?"

WC: 711

Combat Stuff/Claims:
The Narrator
Posts : 65
Join date : 2024-01-31

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Name: The Narrator
House:: ???

A Battle for the Ages [Combat] Empty Re: A Battle for the Ages [Combat]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:47 pm
And there he was in all his glory- the man he had sensed before, one by the name of Leilaitha Rothkas. The Watcher had known this man for quite some time, the same way he fundamentally knows all. And while the sentiment that echoed and reverberated from the Elf's mouth of being a friend was true, he wouldn't let that cloud his judgment within the moment. As benevolent as the Veiled King may be, he still knew when the time for meaningful business had arisen. Now was certainly one of those moments.

But, he'd still let Lei have his fun for the moment; allowing the arcanotech to saunter in with a slick confidence that was quite becoming of him. Though it wouldn't be seen due to the mask he wore, the smile that pursed through the other's lips would be mirrored in a literal manner- a graceful one held with poise and composure. It was the same type that would be visibly shown by the Watcher Beyond the Veil with his seated posture not even making so much an inch of movement as Leilaitha would call out. However, some words of his own would be offered back "As it is to see you again finally, my oldest friend." His voice being denoted with an ethereal quality and tone, ringing true like a hundred hauntingly beautiful church bells chiming together in a melodic chorus of harmony and delight. Loud, but not overtly so like a scream or shout. He would then continue to jest slightly further with a bit of small talk "I was beginning to worry you'd be late- again...

...And for that just know, I won't be pulling my punches...again."

Now, the true fun could begin.

Still kneeling, still unmoving, a single golden ring would detach itself from its position. Levitating upward while spinning in a slow, clockwise motion. It would be continuing this movement while expanding outward and growing larger until it would reach a position approximately 15 yards above his head, with the golden ring have grown to its now full size of 10 yards in its total diameter. After a brief pause, the same purple energy like that of the swirling marble pattern on the plinth would emanate from it; and a giant fist would come flying out from the ring, heading towards its mark of the Rothkas heir. It would be as if the golden ring was a portal, opening up and allowing for a giant arm to come crashing down through it that would attempt to quite literally clobber or smash its target into the ground. This arm and fist would not actually detach from the ring and it would be the same diameter as the ring itself, as it would travel to its full length of 90 yards which was the precise distance of where his opponent was currently standing.

What comes next would be left up to the winds of fate as his opponent would have a choice to make.

WC: 498
TWC: 1065

Combat Stuff/Claims:
The Narrator
Posts : 65
Join date : 2024-01-31

Character sheet
Name: The Narrator
House:: ???

A Battle for the Ages [Combat] Empty Re: A Battle for the Ages [Combat]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:35 pm
Leilaitha’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he saw the golden ring ascend into the air, swirling with an eerie elegance before stopping in place. The familiar hum of energy quickly drew his attention to the center, where a massive arm began to emerge, its presence causing the very air to vibrate. The Watcher’s calling card- Force Energy. He had seen this before, in texts about arcane manifestations and divine energies. His keen understanding of the arcane, bolstered by his mastery of knowledge of religious things and energies, instantly identified the nature of the attack. Force Energy- a challenge, yes, but nothing that couldn’t be countered with his expertise in manipulating sound.

"Sonic energy," he muttered under his breath, already calculating his response as the giant fist launched toward him.

There was no time to waste. His runearm began to hum, the second and middle ring of its three spinning faster as he channeled power into it, his body standing tall and unwavering. Time seemed to slow as he took a deep breath, the ground beneath him vibrating in harmony with the magic coursing through his veins. The fist drew nearer, casting a shadow over him, and just moments before it struck, Leilaitha raised his arm; and flicked the second ring with his other hand.

No sound. No immediate impact. For a fleeting moment, it looked as if the fist had collided with him directly. The sheer silence of it left an almost disorienting calm in its wake. Yet, beneath that deceptive stillness, the truth was unraveling. His spell-like ability, charged with sonic energy, had carved a pathway through the force-laden appendage, but the attack had yet to complete its full arc. Its power spread outward like the ripples of a silent storm, expanding in a 50-by-50 yard cone.

And then, just as the energy reached its full range, the silence shattered.

The sound of ten freight trains roared through the air, the cacophony sudden and violent. The fist trembled as the shockwave hit, its force energy warping under the sonic barrage. In an instant, the colossal fist disintegrated, the force dispersing like shattered glass, fragments spiraling into the void. The ground beneath Lei’s feet rumbled from the impact, but he stood his ground, amethyst eyes gleaming with a brilliant satisfaction.

“Not bad, but it did feel like you were pulling the punch a bit.” he called out confidently, his voice ringing clear in the aftermath of the spell’s devastating destruction. The battlefield, now filled with the echoes of broken force and sound, was ready for the next move.

WC: 429
TWC: 1140

Combat Stuff/Claims:
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The Narrator
Posts : 65
Join date : 2024-01-31

Character sheet
Name: The Narrator
House:: ???

A Battle for the Ages [Combat] Empty Re: A Battle for the Ages [Combat]

Yesterday at 2:18 pm
(OOC Note: for the next 4-5 days, there will only be 1 Post put up. This is to allow some time to be set aside to work on other things on the site as well)

The Watcher remained poised and composed, his knees still bent upon the plinth, watching the colossal fist make contact—or so it seemed. The impact, at first, appeared to be total. His ethereal eyes, hidden behind the mask, registered the satisfying sight of the forceful fist slamming down toward its target. However, he wasn’t fooled by the deceptive calm that followed. Through his mastery of Aura Sensing, The Watcher Beyond the Veil could still both feel and physically see Leilaitha’s presence- strong and unwavering as much as it was before. It was subtle, the mixed outline of a fiery red transitioning into an intuitive purple through the transitional tone of a narrow, but hot pink; but enough so to confirm what would otherwise remain unseen: Lei wasn’t defeated, merely obscured within the carved tunnel of his sonic counterattack.

With a careful demeanor of calm precision, He Who Watches' mind quickly calculated the next move. Though his force spell had yet to fully be destroyed, the window of opportunity presented itself. Lei was still within the confines of the attack’s remains, his vision blocked by the remnants of the force energy. A small smile tugged at the corner of The Watcher’s lips, hidden beneath the shroud that he wore. He would take advantage of this moment, as Lei could not see what was coming next.

In that very moment, two other golden rings adorning his attire began to shimmer with purpose. These rings detached themselves, spinning slowly around his form, before launching outward to his left and right-hand sides in a synchronized motion, growing in their size in a manner that was the exact same as The Veiled King's previously utilized Spell. However, unlike the single downward strike of his previous spell, these rings summoned two giant arms that materialized from both of the rings being used. The hands, equal in size and power to the first, would then swing inwards with alarming speed, attempting to grasp the Moon Elf from both sides, for he knew that his first was about to come shattering down, leaving his opponent in a moment of vulnerability from the non-instantaneous, aforementioned clash of abilities.

The Watcher’s voice, still as smooth and ethereal as ever, softly echoed through the arena. "You may have shattered my first blow, but let’s see how you handle this." His tone was now but as hushed as whisper; one which held no malice, only the thrill of the unfolding duel. In his eyes, this was all being done much like a game of chess. Each opponent merely only in it for the thrill of victory, and victory alone.

As the giant hands moved to clasp around Leilaitha, The Watcher remained unmoving, his aura calm and calculating, as if he could already sense the next steps in the dance of combat. Every spell, every motion, was a piece of the larger game—and The Watcher never intended to lose control of it.

The golden ring, still hovering from his first spell, began to shrink the instant Leilaitha’s spell completed its destructive arc. The sound of freight trains filled the air as the force fist shattered like glass, scattering into fragments. As the energy dissolved, the ring that had summoned it fell lightly to the ground, emitting a soft metallic clink. Before it could rest for more than a heartbeat, The Watcher’s unseen hand reached out with telekinetic finesse, summoning the ring back to him. It floated back into place, reattaching itself neatly to his clothing. Now all that was left was to see how his friend would be able to handle what was currently being launched in his vicinity.

WC: 605
TWC: 1670

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